How to convince a woman to date when she’s never available for you
Is there a special lady in your life that you have been dying to date but have not gotten the chance yet? Some women may be reluctant to date you and never be available, but it does not always have to be that way. Here are a few ways you can try to convince a woman to go out on a date with you if she has never been available before.
Make Yourself Look Better
One of the best way to get a girl who does not seem interested is to make yourself look better. Whether you are looking to attract korean escorts, a classmate, etc., you want to make yourself appear more attractive to get them to want you back.
For instance, you can try to dress a bit better that will flatter both your body and personality. You can start going to the gym to work on your body. That way, you will feel more confident and look better, which will automatically make you more attractive to most people.

Subtly Show Her You Are A Good Partner
Perhaps the girl that you want to get with does not think you would make a good partner. If you have not been able to show her what you are capable of, you can try to show subtle hints that you would be a great partner.
For instance, you should try to be a gentleman to her when you get the chance. Chivalry is a rare trait that man men do not display anymore. You can open the door, ask her what she needs, etc. That way, she can see that you are an attentive partner.
However, you should avoid overly bragging about what a great partner you would be because this can turn some women off. For instance, you can mention what you do for work, but you do not have to bring it up to her constantly.
Find A Different Girl
If you have tried multiple times and the girl is truly not interested in you, you may have to accept that the answer is no. While you may really like this girl, you cannot force someone to like you if she has been rejecting you for months. She may only agree to see you out of pity, which you do not want to settle for.
Instead, you may try your luck by finding a suitable partner for yourself who wants you back. It is much better to date someone who is also interested in you and wants to see you, not a person who reluctantly said yes because you wore them down. While it may hurt to stop pursuing the first person, it is much better for you in the long run to try dating other women.
In Conclusion
If a girl does not seem interested in dating you, you can try to work on yourself with the tips above. If she still does not want to date, do not worry because there are tons of other available girls!